Kenridkc untitled unmastered review
Kenridkc untitled unmastered review

kenridkc untitled unmastered review

It’s painfully clear from the get go though as the heavy bassline full and cinematic opening track untitled 01 feels like it would have fit perfectly into his last LP. In fact, the only remnants of any interwoven tale is the ever present cheer of “pimp, pimp, hooray” that appears on every song and justifiably so as this tracklist consists of unused and unreleased music that came about while Kendrick was recording To Pimp A Butterfly. Unlike previous releases, untitled unmastered doesn’t have a running storyline or message to tell. With untitled unmastered seemingly coming out of nowhere just last week, many were confused as to what it was: is it a b-side album? Is it a proper studio release or a mixtape side project? Whilst these questions are all reasonable ones to ask, the biggest one of them all isn’t what it is but how Kendrick’s leftover scraps are enough to satisfy the listener more than most hip hop artists could ever dream with their LPs.

kenridkc untitled unmastered review

If Good Kid, m.A.A.d city was the humble, fly on the wall film then To Pimp A Butterfly was the AAA sequel that threw the rule book out and rejuvenated a genre that many worried would soon stagnate. In a year full of police brutality and heated politics, To Pimp A Butterfly stood out as the jazz drenched perspective of a man from Compton who has witnessed both, an album that even now I’m struggling to put into words. by Kendrick Lamar Release Date: | Label: TDEĢ015 belonged to Kendrick Lamar. An out of nowhere release from Compton rapper Kendrick Lamar results in one of the most enjoyable listens of 2016 untitled unmastered.

Kenridkc untitled unmastered review